Academic Services & Social Engagement
Faculty of Liberal Arts Mahidol University: The Faculty provides extensive academic services to the public in order to assist in developing the country. There are four main units which aim to complete this mission.

Center for Assessment and Academic Services (CAAS)
The center which administers language proficiency tests and offers language training courses for both the University’s personnel and the public.

Language Learning Center (LLC)
Situated in the Mahidol Learning Center, this center is equipped itself with a wide range of materials for learning languages.

Center of Thai Studies
The center with a clear mission to preserve and disseminate an integral body of knowledge on Thai studies and folklore wisdom by virtue of social engagement.

Translation and Interpretation Center, Faculty of Liberal Arts (TICLA)
A certified body for professional translators, the center administers license translator tests, provides translating and interpreting services.

Liberal Arts Library
The Faculty’s Library owns printed and non-printed materials on a wide range of subjects with spacious, cosy and learning-friendly environment.