Master of Arts Program in Health, Nature, and Cultural Tourism Management

Master of Arts Program in Health, Nature, and Cultural Tourism Management .
This Program is a collaboration of the Faculty of Liberal Arts, the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, and the Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital. The learning and teaching management is conducted under the constructivism concept by focusing on outcome-based education and promoting student-centeredness. The Program enables the graduates to build the characteristics that align with the Thai qualifications framework of the Master of Arts Program in Health, Nature, and Cultural Tourism Management and Mahidol University graduate attributes with the master’s degree.

- Master of Arts Program
- Overview of the Program
- Career Path
- The Program Learning Outcomes
- Program Structure
- Specific Information
- TQF2
- More Information
Name of the Program
Master of Arts Program in Health, Nature, and Cultural Tourism Management
Degree Name
ชื่อเต็ม : Master of Arts (Health, Nature, and Cultural Tourism Management)
ชื่อย่อ : M.A. (Health, Nature, and Cultural Tourism Management)
Type of the Program
Master’s Degree
Credit hours
36 and more
Education system
Double degree and semester system: two regular semesters in each academic year; not less than 15 credit hours in one regular semester
Educational duration/ Program circle
2 years of study
Program status and teaching schedule
Educational management of the Program following the announcement of the Ministry of Education on the Standard criteria of the Master’s Program study and Teaching Schedule, 2015 Master’s Degree plan A: A2 and plan B/ New Program, academic year B.E. 2563 (2020) Program opening in the second semester, academic year 2021
Degree offered
Single discipline degree
Institution offering degree (cooperation with other institutes)
Mahidol University
Career path after graduation
Graduates can pursue various professions, including roles as directors and managers in tour and health businesses, entrepreneurs in the tourism industry, marketing managers, and experts in health, nature, and cultural tourism management. Additionally, they can explore opportunities in tourism research.
- Demonstrate leadership qualities and social responsibility with a strong ethical consciousness in research, and adhering firmly to research ethics.
- Manage health, nature, and cultural tourism appropriately.
- Commence research and conduct it with precision and appropriateness, adhering to established research methods in tourism management in order to present a new body of knowledge for local and national development that leads to international standards.
- Develop tour routes by integrating knowledge of tourism management, medical services, health care, and natural and cultural preservation.
- Anticipate and assess diverse scenarios to effectively plan for, prevent, and solve problems in the field of health, nature, and cultural tourism.
- Work with others effectively and acknowledge their differences
- Select and apply information technology efficiently to research, data processing, and presentation
Philosophy and Significance of the Program
Master of Arts in Health, Nature, and Cultural Tourism Management
The learning and teaching management is conducted under the constructivism concept by focusing on outcome-based education and promoting student-centeredness. The Program enables the graduates to build the characteristics that align with the Thai qualifications framework of the Master of Arts Program in Health, Nature, and Cultural Tourism Management and the desired characteristics of the Mahidol University graduates with the master’s degree.
The graduates will gain knowledge and expertise in integrating related knowledge sciences to health, nature, and cultural tourism management. They will add its value and cost efficiently, produce research work, and develop a body of knowledge by integrating various knowledge sciences to solve the problems that may occur
Upon the completion of the Program, the graduates will meet the requirements for the Master’s Degree qualifications framework.
They will be equipped with ethics and morality, adhere to the code of conduct for tourism professionals, and have knowledge of tourism management in health, nature, and culture, which enables them to develop a body of knowledge by integrating various related sciences to solve the problems and develop tourism. They will have expertise in tourism management in health, nature, and culture, be able to analyze and synthesize the problems, present new knowledge of tourism management in health, nature, and culture, admit the differences of other people, and work with them efficiently. They must exhibit leadership and responsibility for society, select the information technology for research, process, and analyze data from various resources appropriately and accurately, and select the types of media to communicate orally and in written form efficiently. They also have ethics and adhere to a professional code of conduct.
- มคอ.2 ศศ.บ. (ภาษาอังกฤษ) หลักสูตรปรับปรุง พ.ศ.2556
- มคอ.2 ศศ.บ.(ภาษาอังกฤษ) หลักสูตรปรับปรุง พ.ศ. 2561
Program Coordinator
- Mr.Suthat Panma
- E-mail: suthat.pan@mahidol.ac.th
- Tel: 02-441-4401-8 Ext 1716