คณะศิลปศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดลคณะศิลปศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดลคณะศิลปศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล

หลักสูตรปรัชญาดุษฎีบัณฑิต สาขาวิชาภาษาศาสตร์ประยุกต์ (นานาชาติ)

Doctor of Philosophy Program
in Applied Linguistics
(International Program)


About this degree

The PhD Program in Applied Linguistics at Mahidol University aims to produce scholars with deep knowledge of Applied Linguistics with emphasis on language teaching and learning. It would develop the scholars’ ability to encompass problems related to language teaching and learning and offer solutions by use of practical linguistics theories. 

Our PhD program offers specializations in a variety of linguistics fields; ranging from language studies, language teaching, teacher education, second language acquisitions, curriculum development and planning, material development, language testing and assessments, language program administration, bilingualism, and technology in language teaching and learning. A graduate of this program will be able to apply their knowledge in applied research projects in the communities where they live or study in.

The PhD Program in Applied Linguistics at Mahidol University aims to produce scholars with deep knowledge of Applied Linguistics with emphasis on language teaching and learning. It would develop the scholars’ ability to encompass problems related to language teaching and learning and offer solutions by use of practical linguistics theories. 

Our PhD program offers specializations in a variety of linguistics fields; ranging from language studies, language teaching, teacher education, second language acquisitions, curriculum development and planning, material development, language testing and assessments, language program administration, bilingualism, and technology in language teaching and learning. A graduate of this program will be able to apply their knowledge in applied research projects in the communities where they live or study in.

Program Structure
 Plan 1.1
Research only
Plan 2.1
Research and coursework
Core courses12
Elective courses3
Total(no less than)4848
Course list
1. Core courses (all 3 credits)

LAAL 701 PhD Seminar in Applied Linguistics
Surveys of criticism on research problems and strategies relevant to development of research in various aspects in applied linguistics and instructions in foreign language education; synthesis and summary of trends in applied linguistic research; study progress report

LAAL 721 Advanced Research and Data Analysis in Applied Linguistics
Qualitative and quantitative research in Applied Linguistics; application of Applied Linguistics body of knowledge for research; using statistics for data analysis; using data analysis programs; research result report, presentation of research findings; research ethics

LAAL 722 Perspectives in Language Pedagogy and Theories
Surveys of contemporary theories and practices currently employed in teaching a foreign language; theoretical, practical, and research issues relating to language teaching and learning; anticipating tentative future directions focusing on learning resources and materials, technology, and activities; assessment of learning outcomes; learners’ development

2. Elective courses (all 3 credits)

LAAL 712 Design of Language Test and Assessment
Trends and current essential issues in language testing and assessment; procedures for analyzing test items; application of advanced statistics in evaluation of test instruments

LAAL 750 Advanced Topics in Second Language Acquisition
Advanced topics relevant to theories and concepts of process of second language acquisition; development and factors affecting language acquisition and learning; connection between knowledge of language acquisition and language teaching

LAAL 752  Pronunciation Fundamentals for Second Language Teaching and Research
Phonetics and pronunciation instruction; history of pronunciation instruction; research methodology in phonetics; theoretical issues and approaches to research in second language acquisition in L2 speech and sound; L2 phonetic learning processes, perception and production link in L2 phonetics

LAAL 754  Educational Technology in Language Learning and Teaching
Knowledge and skills regarding educational technology; information and communication technology and applications for language learning and teaching; application of the knowledge in educational technology to conducting research and teaching in a language classroom

3. Dissertation

Identifying a research project, submitting a research proposal; study research  with concern of ethics; data collection and analysis, synthesis and critics of research results; reporting research results and presenting a doctoral dissertation; holding a doctoral dissertation presentation; writing research results for publication; publishing research results in academic printing materials or an academic journal and/or presenting at an academic conference; ethics in dissemination of research study

Research topics

1) Language Studies

2) Language Learning and Development

3) Language Assessment and Evaluation

4) Autonomous Language Learners

5) Teaching Language as a Second/Foreign Language

6) Technology in Language Education

Admission Requirements

Plan 1.1 : Research only
(1) Holding a Master’s degree in Applied Linguistics or any other related fields accredited by the Office of the Permanent Secretary for Higher Education, Science, Research, and Innovation;
(2) Having cumulative GPA (Master’s degree) not less than 3.50;
(3) Having and English proficiency examination score as the requirement of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Mahidol University;
(4) Having at least 3 years of working experience in the related field;
(5) Having at least one publication in an internationally recognized journal; and
(6) For those who cannot fulfill the requirements (2) – (5) may be accepted into the Program if approved by the Administrative Committee and the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

Plan 2.1 : Coursework and research
(1) Holding a Master’s degree in Applied Linguistics or any other related fields accredited by the Office of the Permanent Secretary for Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation;
(2) Having cumulative GPA (Master’s degree) not less than 3.50;
(3) Having and English proficiency examination score as the requirement of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Mahidol University; and
(4) For those who cannot fulfill the requirements (2) and (3) may be accepted into the Program if approved by the Administrative Committee and the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

Apply Now

Program Tuition fee/semester (6 semesters)

Thesis research fee
DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY PROGRAM IN APPLIED LINGUISTICS (INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM) Full-time, weekdays 55,000 (Thai Baht/ semester) 100,000 (Thai Baht)

The Faculty of Graduate Studies provides its graduates with several research grants and
scholarships, for example, full or partial tuition waiver for students with excellent academic
performance, and financial support for an oral or poster presentation in a international seminar
For more information, please click the links below:
https://graduate.mahidol.ac.th/thai/prospective-students/?p=scholarship (Thai)
https://graduate.mahidol.ac.th/inter/prospective-students/?p=scholarship (English)

Faculty members of the program

Asst. Prof. Suthathip Thirakunkovit, Ph.D.

Program Chair

Asst. Prof. Aphiwit Liang-Itsara, Ph.D.

Committee member

Assoc. Prof. Sasa Watanapokakul, Ph.D.

Committee member

Chantarath Hongboontri, Ph.D.

Committee member

Professor. Rhee Seongha, Ph.D


Living expenses

Living Cost
Example of monthly expense with on –campus accommodation (International Condominium)*

Electricity and water1000
Mobile Package400

* Subject to be vary due to living style

**health insurance of about THB 1,300 excluded


Program Director
Asst.Prof. Suthathip Thirakunkovit, Ph.D.
Fl.6, The Applied Linguistics Program, Sirivitaya Building, Faculty of Liberal Arts
Tel: 662-441-4401 ext 1614

Program Coordinator
Sopha Seethong
One Stop Service Room, G Fl., Sirivitaya Building, Faculty of Liberal Arts
Tel: 662-441-4401 ext 1105


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  • โทรศัพท์: 02-441-4401-8 ต่อ 1105